Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm feeling a little down tonight.

It's not always easy...this interest of ours.

Are there strict and loving women out there...honestly?

Yeah, I know there are.....

still, they sure are hard to find.

The way things are

Bob Dylan referred to his early songs as "finger pointing songs."  And there is no doubt that he did a great job writing songs that pointed out flaws and injustices of our society back then.  When he went electric he started to point that same blame finger at himself at times...among other things.

We all point fingers.  I'm just not sure I am ready to point the finger at myself. is one of my favorite Dylan songs as of late....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My "Ideal" Disciplinarian

What would my "ideal" disciplinarian be like?  It's a question I have been thinking about quite a bit lately after reading a post from a blog.

 Truth be told, it isn't an easy question to answer really.

The simplest answer is:  Any woman who understands that I am pretty much an overgrown boy who still needs guidance and direction at times.

Still, I guess I may have some preferences.

I have always liked the idea of a lady older than myself who has a strong maternal instinct.  Someone watching over me and ready to step in and correct me when she feels it is needed.

A woman wearing glasses is another thing that gets my attention.  I have no idea as to why this is.  Maybe it goes back to my youth when mothers, teachers, and librarians often wore spectacles.

 The look.  You know the one.  It's the look you get from a lady when you have gone too far.  It doesn't matter whether you are 6 or 60, when a man disappoints a woman he will get "the look."  And, whether you are 6 or 60 that "look" sends chills through your entire body.


And of course the "lap."

Ideally I would want a woman with wide hips and a good sturdy lap.  It's a shame these days that women are asked to be pencil thin.  I love a woman with curves.  A woman who looks like a woman.

But most of all.....

I would like love, attention, and tenderness from my disciplinarian.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A start....I guess

I have had an interest in spanking for just about as long as I can remember.  Other than a few quick swats here and there, I was not spanked growing up. 

Why do I have this interest?  Why is it something that I think about on a daily basis?

I am not sure I will be an interesting blogger.....but hell, why not give it a try.

My plans for my next post are for my "ideal" disciplinarian.  Stay tuned.